
Showing posts from October, 2020

City of God (Mierelles, 2002) Ending Analysis

I saved every letter you wrote me from the moment I read them I knew you were mine you said you were mine thought you were miiiiiiine do you know what Angelica said when she saw your first letter arrive she said "be careful of the one love hell do what it takes to survive" you and your words flooded my sensecyour sentences left me defencelss you built me palaces  out of paragraphs  you built cathedralsssssss I'm rereading the letters you wrote me im seraching  and scanning for answers in every line for some kind of sign and when you were miiiiiiine the world seemed to buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn you published the letters she wrote you you told the whole world how you bought this girl into our bed in clearing your name you have ruined our liiiiiivesssss do you know what Angelica said when she read what you'd done she said "you have married an icarus he has flown too close to the sun" you and your words obsessed with your legacy your sentences bor


Short Film Scene 1: INT car    Open in a car, as if the camera is on the dashboard. We see a child in the passenger seat idling about, humming along to a relatively happy tune on the radio. Warm sunlight comes from the passenger window, saturating her and the bear sitting on her lap. The bear is rather small, and it’s ears are lined with pink felt that’s worn down to reveal the old felt underneath. It’s a small pooh bear that is no longer the golden yellow it should be, and instead is a dirty tan from years of love and affection. The child has a grip on the bear with one of her hands, the other is tapping on the door in time to the music.  Jarring cut to the driver of the car, who is the father of the young girl. His point of view is very dark, there is a lack of music and instead a single low note is playing in the background. He is gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles are turning white, a clear signal of his stress. The lighting turns very cold, missing the youthful

Short Film Ideas